Contributions and Charges

Albany Secondary Education Support Centre has access to an excellent range of resources and students are able to participate in a wide range of educational experiences. Paying your child’s contributions and charges allows these excellent facilities and services to continue.

Parents/carers of students at ASESC can be assured that the staff and School Board have kept 2025 ASESC Contributions and Charges Upper School and 2025 ASESC Contributions and Charges Lower School to an absolute minimum and subsidise many activities


Claim The Secondary Assistance Scheme (SAS) 

On 1 July 2024, the State Government announced an increase in the SAS clothing allowance from $115 to $300 for 2024 and 2025. This is to provide cost-of-living relief for eligible low-income families.

The SAS comprises an education program allowance which is paid to the school and a clothing allowance which is paid to the parent.

Schools will receive the 2025 student allowances guidelines in Term 4, 2024. Applications for the 2025 SAS will open in Term 1, 2025.