Positive Behaviour Support

PBS Expectations

ASESC PBS expectations are: Positive and Caring, Respectful, Responsible and Safe. The expectations aim to guide students to learn and display positive or pro- social behaviours.

PBS Vouchers

PBS voucher is an immediate reward given to students for following one of the 4 school expectations. The PBS expectations are Positive and Caring, Respectful, Responsible and Safe. These vouchers can be given at anytime. The vouchers are collected and used to draw prizes at assemblies and also to collate data on positive/negative behaviour ratios in the school.

PBS Tree

ASESC has a PBS Tree that is located in the Green room.  A leaf is placed on the tree whenever a class achieves a PBS goal together. E.g. everybody in the class being safe and responsible on an excursion to the shops. When the tree is full the students participates in a whole school PBS rewards day.

PBS Reward Day

When ASESC’s PBS Tree is full of leaves the school has a PBS Rewards Day. The day includes all students and involves a range of fun and engaging activities catering for all students’ interests. PBS Reward Days occur 3 to 4 times a year.

Explicit Teaching

ASESC has a weekly PBS focus that is explicitly taught in all classes during a designated timeslot. The expectations (Positive and Caring, Respectful, Responsible and Safe) are also taught informally during break times, before school and on excursions.

Students enjoying the PBS Rewards day.