
Transition to secondary school, work and the community

At Albany Secondary Education Support Centre, the transition process begins when students are in Year 6 and finishes in their final year. It is a person-centred process, involving transition planning to ensure each individual achieves his or her future goals and aspirations. A students transition from school will depend on the students needs and collaboration of all involved.

Year 6 students

Our transition to secondary school begins early in the year with liaison with feeder schools, staff and parents of potential students. Before new students begin transitioning in to our school, students and parents visit the school and meet with the principal, the transition coordinator visits potential students at their Primary School where possible and the primary teachers meet with ASESC staff to share information, in order to plan for a smooth transition.

In Term 3 all the transition students visit our school weekly or fortnightly with increasing duration from one hour to six hours. During these visits, teachers assess students’ academic, social and interpersonal skills, to guide class grouping and staff allocations for the following year. On the students final transition visit, the school holds an afternoon tea prepared by the students for their parents.

Year 7-9 students

Transition to work and the community begins in Year 7. All learning activities, incursions and excursions are designed to build skills necessary for future employment and participation in the community. Numerous opportunities for students to engage with the community are provided taking into account students’ interests, ability levels and life skill requirements. Community activities can include modified sports, swimming, shopping, excursions to local museums and others. Students create their Individual Pathway Plans.

Year 10-12 students

In combination with the WA Curriculum, our Year 10 – 12 students have the opportunity to participate in programs such as Workplace Learning, School Work Crew, World of Work, Bushrangers, Containers for Change, Community Work Crew and Community activities depending on their Individual Pathway Plans. Skills learnt in these programs aim at assisting students to transition to work and the community. Students also have the opportunity to gain recognition in ASDAN, attend TAFE courses and can participate in a Certificate I course under an Auspice arrangement at ASESC.